Talking about my sis' age, thank you for those '53 followers' who answered my poll question asking about their ages. It was for me to determine what is the range of my followers. Coming from the answers, you guys have co-followers aged 13-23. That was cool. You know what's even cool, if one of you guys claim that you are above 50 or below 5. haha. That will be so much fun. I think it will be nice to see different people with different age levels to take care of. I want to influence those older aged groups and the young ones. Please answer the poll if you haven't answered it yet or give me a message.
So Let's talk about fun! Who red Kimi ni todoke chapter 48? I do! Kazehaya's all adorable and sweet. While walking hand in hand, they were seen by Sawako's mother who's about to go home also. They were startled. K immediately introduced as her daughter's boyfriend and formally announced his respect. Sawako's mother somewhat knew about her daughter into relationship so she is not shocked anymore. She invited K to have his dinner at their house which K gladly accepted.
Well, if you're gonna asked me what scenes I like most, it was when Kazehaya called home and talked about his girlfriend who is their topic of discussion that he's talking about often with his parents. <3 That's a major turn on.
One more thing, I also laughed at Kuronama's father fidgeting at the gate and was unable to come in at his own house. Man, that was epic. hihi. Maybe, he's afraid of that day. Maybe, he's afraid of his own daughter introducing another boy at her life. I think all dads are like that. They don't want their daughters to grow up too fast, to have and love other boy more than himself and to get married(yeah, exaggerating!).
I think chapter 49 is available in download also, so others might red it already. Speaking of this manga, who already watched the live action? Oh, yeah, yeah, I hear you guys... Harima's screaming fans. We'll I didn't watched it yet and I don't know how and when am I gonna be. I'll take time. If you watched it already, you can tell me how it turned out. ;)
Hmm.. I'll be doing other blog for kwms last ep, so stick around! mwah!