Sunday, July 8, 2012


how magical a kiss would be like with someone you really love? if that magical moment will come in surprise, how would you react?
one thing is for sure, and i believe in this too, that a kiss is something you would want to give wholeheartedly.  but be cautious, a kiss can either sweep you off your feet, or can give you a whole lot of responsibility if rushed, if given young, if proven wrong.

here are some of my favorite kissed(and almost been kissed!) scenes in anime and in manga:
toradora!: i'll call it, 'more' kisses
how many of you cringe when this happened? because, i did. i did cringed, i did blushed, i did sreamed!
kimi ni todoke: because it's interrupted, i'll call it, ayane-interrupted kiss! (lols)
strobe edge: this one is the kiss i hated(i'm fuckin' jealous!). so i'll be calling it, 'oh-girl-you-didn't kiss'. (haha)
vampire knight: okay, so i really love Zero and this so hot, so it's called: 'oh-so-hot-i-could-die kiss'.(haha)

and finally..'s called the 'the 'finally' kiss(kisses, because it was too many this time)' from the last chapter of Faster than a kiss. it's like, 5 fuckin' years for sensei, for fumino and for us too!. we waited for so long it hurts sometimes. it gets us bored sometimes. it drains our hopes sometimes. but, until the very end, it maintains the staying factor for us to stick around for this story. and you know what, it ends well.

so go on, kiss someone. kiss someone special. kiss above the mistletoe, kiss at the beach, kiss at the classroom. kiss someone special. make memories. kiss, just kiss. >.<

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