Tuesday, June 1, 2010

In My eyes: Sesshomaru


Sesshomaru is Inuyasha's older half-brother, and he's a full demon. The two share the same father, thus they look similar in appearance. He barely takes any interest in Inuyasha, because he despises humans, and is upset that Inuyasha is half-human and is soiling their father's bloodline. He finally does take interest in Inuyasha, but only when he finds out that their father's grave was hidden inside of Inuyasha's right eye. Concealed in the grave is the Tetsusaiga, a powerful sword that can kill 100 youkai with one swing, left behind by their father and made out of one of his fangs. Inuyasha gets this sword while Sesshomaru gets the Tenseiga that has the ability to revive 100 humans with one swing. Sesshomaru doesn't understand why he gets Tenseiga. He's angered more when he finds out that only Inuyasha can hold the Tetsusaiga, because there is a barrier around it that demons cannot touch (without being injured/burned). Even though he hates humans with a passion, he does save the life of one human with his Tenseiga and that was a young girl named Rin. No one knows why he did this. Sesshomaru has some of the same attack styles/abilities as his half-brother Inuyasha, but his are more powerful due to the fact that he is a full demon. He can transform into his true form, a huge dog demon, which grants him more attacks and strength. Speaking of his huge dog form, When Inu-Yasha first got the Tetsusaiga, Sesshomaru was in his full dog form and Inu-Yasha used his new sword to slice off his left arm.
-When this character gets in the way in one of the episodes, at the back of my mind, I believed that he was the the original character of inuyasha.. and not the guy with the sword.Lol. Why I conclude into this? Because he's perfect, he is serious, he have that outfit, he have the good face(better than inuyasha) and very detailed sketch. Well, it is just what I think.
I like him. I just hope that there is much episodes with him. I like to see more siblings rivalry. I want action more that adventure(where inuyasha's company is always looking for the scattered stones or whatever).
One of the beautiful demon character in anime.;)


  1. Sesshomaru is gorgeous, strong, and intelligent. He protects those who he cared about, and if he thinks necessary, others too. Sure, he's arrogant, but the blood doesn't go to his head like InuYasha. Sesshomaru is polite and never loses control of himself. InuYasha, on the other hand, if arrogent, rude, he loses control of himself frequently, and he likes Kagome -_-
    I am saying this for a reason with this lol, please read.
    Why does he like Kagome? I don't like her, but I also don't hate her. I do admire her courage, but she overreacts quite frequently with InuYasha. She even sat him like 17 times once. And why? Because she was having girl feeling issues. She was given the power to sit him to protect herself and others - NOT to hurt him physically because he hurt her feelings!!! >=[
    She does all this and yet, she's PURE?!?! HOW THE HECK is she PURE!!! >=[ and then she goes around being all PROUD of people. WTFWTFWTFWTFWTF?!?! The ONLY things I admire about her is her courage and how she protects her friends and others.
    This is the connection of what I said and this, lol D=> sorry I typed so much... i just felt strongly about it.
    She thinks she has the right to not like Sesshomaru. And to be proud of him when he protects a human, when he cares for a human, Rin.
    She REALLY REALLY, REEEEALY pisses me off sometimes.

  2. Interesting point. I do agree that Sesshomaru is the best character in the series. When you mentioned: "When this character gets in the way in one of the episodes, at the back of my mind, I believed that he was the the original character of inuyasha". What episode did you mean, or which one made you believe he was the original main character?

  3. @bedroomboom23 thanks. well.. the character this in-detailed need not to be wasted right? although, inuyasha and S. is all different, S. is 'beautifully' different. Beautifully different that he can be his own hero in his own freakin' anime.
    I just thought that he may be the main character(because of my silly mind.*laughs)but he got rejected because he's too artfully perfect viewers needed more of a simple, stubborn one to be easily remembered.
