Manga-reading exhaustion

June 12, 2010. Saturday.

These past few days and weeks all I did was reading manga. I always checked for updates of those manga that I'm waiting so badly(laughs). One of the manga that I spent mostly my time with was Black Bird. I finished it off right away for it only has 7 chapters and it's still ongoing. For three days, I also took my time going into the vampire world of  pure bloods as I patiently red the latest chapters of Vampire knight. Just so you know, I am preventing myself from watching a certain anime' if I'm not yet finished with its manga. For that, I can compare drawings and written form to animation. Just like reading a good novel and waiting for its movie to come out.  I also started Stardust Wink. So far, so good.

I am planning to read more and more manga because it is what I really love. It is like, still believing in fairy tales and happy endings, right? It is like hoping that things will be alright and at the end of all adversities, it will be a happy-ever-after ending. I also love books/novels. If you were to ask me what title of the novel, I'm re-reading Eclipse now because June 30 is coming and it will be a major motion picture. I am also reading The Way of Shadows.

So, to be easily understand what is the aim of this page, I will just simply say that we must continue reading. Look for a subject that interest you so much, lists the titles of the books/manga that you usually hear from other people and always visit your nearby favorite bookstore and give it a try. I'm sure that when you enter a bookstore, as you scan the bookshelves, there is always a particular book that can caught your eye. If that moment comes, don't hesitate, pull it and buy.  I experience those moments always. When I enter a certain bookstore, I always shout in my heart and if I'm not to think that there are people inside, I want to shout loud because of being fond of all the books in front of me. When I'm surrounded by bookshelves and stacks of books, it is like I'm in paradise. I know that some people might not feel that way, but I believe that books are source of wisdom and happiness. It is when we read books that we calm ourselves and isolate ourselves from the real world. We can go to a different world and experience a different adventure.

Nodoka Miyazaki, a Magister Negima! character once said that, "Anyone who loves books, can't be a bad person".

Happy reading!!!

-sweet pea